AI-Powered Excellence

Tools for Ambitious Schools Focussed on Student Academic Performance and Teacher Job Satisfaction!

Academic Excellence


Focused on Managing Teacher Workload and Enhancing Student Learning? Discover Our AI-Powered Learning Management System!



Proven Pedagogy

A schools academic success stems from the ability to identify student skill and knowledge gaps early and acting quickly. Our results required significant investment and manpower.

Many schools already implement homework, in-class quizzes, and occasional tests. However, teachers often lack the time to mark and review these materials, leading to incomplete homework and discarded student-marked quizzes breaking the all-important feedback loop between student and teacher. In fact, 58% of teachers are not required to review student work due to existing demands, making timely academic interventions nearly impossible for teachers to administer.

We believe teacher workload and student outcomes are symbiotic. To help schools unlock their true potential, regardless of financial means, we created Curriculum.com. Without requiring any meaningful change to your schools existing practices, our AI powered system can reduce the time teachers spend preparing, setting, and marking by as much as 95%. All while ensuring that if students are required to complete activities such as homework or quizzes, the feedback loop remains intact, providing your teachers with the level of insight that we achieved at our schools, without incurring the high costs associated with these types of improvements.

If you would like to find out how we can help your school, please get in touch!

Future-proof against disruptions like COVID-19
A central nervous system for your school

Proven Pedagogy

A schools academic success stems from the ability to identify student skill and knowledge gaps early and act quickly.

Many schools already implement homework, in-class quizzes, and occasional tests for just this reason. However, teachers often lack the time to mark and review these materials, leading to incomplete homework and discarded student-marked quizzes breaking the all-important feedback loop between student and teacher. In fact, 58% of teachers are not required to review student work due to existing demands, making timely academic interventions nearly impossible for teachers to administer.

We believe teacher workload and student outcomes are symbiotic. To help schools unlock their true potential, regardless of financial means, we created Curriculum.com. Without requiring any meaningful change to your schools existing practices, our AI powered learning management system (LMS) can reduce the time teachers spend preparing, setting, and marking by as much as 95%. All while ensuring that if students are required to complete activities such as homework or quizzes, the feedback loop remains intact, providing your teachers with the level of insight that we achieved at our schools, without incurring the high costs associated with these types of improvements.

If you would like to find out how we can help your school, please get in touch!

Curriculum Founders

Driving Academic Success: The Curriculum.com Advantage for Your School

Curriculum.com was established on the back of our experience founding and operating two of the top-performing schools in the U.K. In 2009, Co-Founder Yasmin Sarwar established Cardiff Sixth Form College (now under Dukes Education), which, during her tenure, was ranked 1st for A-level results for 6 consecutive years. Our Chairman & Co-Founder Dr. Mario Peters setup Oxford International College (now part of Nord Anglia Education), which topped the Times League Tables for the first time in 2019 (Both of these schools began as non-selective and unranked). Simultaneously, Co-Founder and CEO Luke Deering’s education technology venture was acquired by a Los Angeles based private equity firm. Subsequently, Luke Deering, Yasmin Sarwar, and Dr. Mario Peters united with the aim of assisting schools of all means across the globe. Ultimately, our goal is to empower schools to liberate their teachers from the burdens of bureaucracy, enabling them to focus on what they love most—teaching.

Luke Deering

Chief Executive Officer

Yasmin Sarwar

Chief Academic Officer

Dr. Mario Peters


In The News

Oxford International College is at the
top of the tree when it comes to
A-level performance among
independent schools, according
to the latest available data.

13 August 2019

After beating top public schools,
Yasmin Sarwar’s fee-paying private
college has been dubbed “the best
in the world”.

29 August 2016

Asian Women Achievement awards
Yasmin Sarwar, an executive director
and co-founder of Cardiff Sixth Form
College. Last year, pupils at the
college passed 95% of grades A*

26 April 2015

Today the independent Schools
Council league table of 350 fee
paying schools reveals pupils at
Cardiff Sixth Form College passed
94.7% of A-levels with grades A*

23 August 2014

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